• Game must be fully playable. Tech demos will be judged but not considered for prizes.
  • Winners gets $100, $50 and $20 respectively.
Discuss the Entries

10 Seconds to Dig a Hole
12 18 12,049
Action Newton
11 8 4,726
14 23 17,593
Blue Box
34 22 13,310
Brocci's Beat Quest
25 20 11,294
Cold Boot Demo
13 2 5,198
83 32 27,845
Dangerous Dungeons
415 186 357k
Eurhythmia Superlite...
5 3 4,687
jumping beans
12 8 5,564
Last Man Standing
12 6 6,283
Linear man
3 3 3,921
19 12 12,724
Planet Green
20 15 13,668
Planetai 2
17 7 19,849
Portal Maze 2
3 4 1,554
5 4 3,472
Space Rocks Plus
9 7 3,244
Spring bot
71 34 27,353
The Righteous God
11 9 5,156
Up, Up, And AWAY!
15 14 11,298