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by Jon (Updated on 2015-10-20)


  • What is Tweening?
  • Easing
  • Uses for Tweening
  • Gotchas

What is Tweening?

Tweens. We’re not talking about pre-teens.

Instead, we’re talking about a powerful ability to bring numerical properties of actors to a destination value over time.

Tween Example

Tweens apply to the following properties.

  • X Position
  • Y Position
  • Angle
  • Scale (Size)
  • Opacity (Fading)

How To Tween

All Tweens are initiated using blocks under the Actor > Tweening category.

The parameters for each block differ a little, but each tween block requires these 3 bits of info:

  • The actor the tween will apply to.
  • How long (in seconds) the tween will last.
  • What easing function is used. We describe this next.


You may wonder what the final dropdown in each tweening block is all about. We call this the Easing Function, or Easing for short.


Suppose that we want to slide an actor from point A to point B. Without easing, the actor would move directly from A to B at a constant speed. In many cases, this would look flat and boring.

Easing changes this by varying the rate at which that change happens in accordance with some mathematical functions. It's best to try this out for yourself and see what works best for your game.

Uses for Tweening

Use tweens to add visual flair and polish to your game. How so?

  • Slide buttons off the screen when exiting a menu.
  • Grow a button when your mouse rolls over it.
  • Rotate an object to provide visual affordance or flair.
  • Fade out elements that are inactive or not meant to be touched.

Tweens can make all the difference between a game that feels polished and one that is functional but feels raw.

Next time you play a game, observe where tweens are used. You’ll be surprised to see how pervasive they are!


Falling Short

On occasion, you may notice that a tween falls a little short of its “destination.”

Falling Short

This is particularly noticeable when rotating an actor (by a well-defined amount such as 90 degrees) and expecting it to finish up at the target value. Due to timing imprecision, this is not guaranteed.

We encourage you to employ a workaround in which you manually set the value in the future.


Avoid 0 second durations.

The other gotcha is trying to tween with a 0 second duration. Avoid doing this if possible and use a small, positive value instead such as 0.01 seconds.

Scaling sometimes doesn’t scale up the collision bounds.

If you specify an Actor to not auto-scale its collision bounds, you may observe that scaling an Actor up or down will not change its collision bounds accordingly.

Auto Scale

Tweening and Physics

When sliding, rotating or scaling actors, do not expect the physics to act reliably during this time.

For example, if you are sliding an actor to the right, and it slams into a box, it may sail past the box instead. Why? Because tweening is directly setting the position (or rotation) of the actor continually. It's difficult for the physics engine to work properly since you are effectively "teleporting" the actor around.

If accurate physics are desired, avoid using tweens and use conventional methods instead.

  • Set the actor’s velocity or angular velocity.
  • Use forces to push the actor or twist it.


  • Tweens let you apply gradual changes to an Actor’s property over time.
  • Tweens are not 100% accurate and do not guarantee arrival at the exact final value.
  • Avoid tweening with a 0 second duration. Use a small value like 0.01 instead.
  • Physics becomes inaccurate (it works but is like directly setting position) when using tweening to move an Actor. Use forces or velocity setting instead.
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Disclaimer: Use comments to provide feedback and point out issues with the article (typo, wrong info, etc.). If you're seeking help for your game, please ask a question on the forums. Thanks!

1 Comment

Great tutorial, I always wondered how button effects were coded. Also, thanks for specifying the difference between physics and tweens, I probably would have gotten frustrated over the collisions dilemma.
2 10 years, 11 months ago

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