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Stranded in Outer Space
by fraz
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Still a work in progress!
I could go on for several paragraphs listing the changes, but I'll just go over the main ones here. If you'd like a full changelog, I might put on up in a few days time.
- Overhaul in art. About 80% of art now by Raquel Ganadin. Forest tileset is the only non-original one, but you can bet this will be changed very soon.
- Several new music tracks by Kung Fu Furby
- Several new stages complete with new enemy types
- New dialogue system in place, small intro
- Pseudo quest system. Conditional dialogue, conditional doors/portals
- Fixed game breaking checkpoint load bug
- can no longer "continue game" unless save file already exists
- Accesories
- New weapons
- Better weapon/ inventory menu
- Quest Tracking
**Known Bugs**
- Sometimes the knockback from enemy damage while in the air rockets you up like a bat outta hell.
- Door arrows sometimes disappear intermittently even while you stand in the door region
- You can only talk to NPCs once unless you reload the scene you spoke to them in.
- Random clipping against one way platforms in the Great Tree Fort.
I guarantee there are more bugs, please let me know if you find any. In the meantime, please enjoy!
P.S. Still looking for a few good testers, drop me a line if you're interested.