============ Hello Everyone, Welcome to the Castlevania Eternity
this is my 2nd Game.
For Art, tiles, and music made by konami and some other people, i just making behaviour,and editing some art for this game =========
if you dont mind I want hear your feed back and rate this game ^^
I making new sytem from castlevania eternity
Health Warning system, shanoa will warn you if your Hp below 50 percent ^^
Enjoy the game,and feels different ^^
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Controls :
Z : jump
x : Dodge
c : Attack
<- : move left
-> : move right
move and + press down arrow : to Slide
press Z and then V : for Ground Pounding to destroy the floor
===== NEW UPDATE 7 Agust 2013 ===================
Bug Fixed, New Stage, new enemies, new item !! :)
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Castlevania Eternity Update!! (12 Agust 2013)
New Stage,New Enemies, Boss end chapter 1
Give your rate & feedback to the next chapter. ^^
Information !!
- Weapon Range Reduce to increase difficulty
Hint to defeat
Boss :
- Timing for attack and keep your distance
- Hp 15
========= Zhero =========
Its lovely! there is a steep escalation in in the second level suddenly.. but the game has a nice atmosphere
btw dark. whay do you think for my health warnig system. is hat entertain or give you feel different with that? i try making th character interact with u. event doesnt entertain much. X)
yeap this isjust for fun.
and i didnt do my art. i just editing from tileset from konami picture by picture. so i give the infornation above the game. and i will put the credit for konami too.
thanks for your feedback dark. im glad hear your positve response for this game .
i will update it when im finish this game. i'll publish chapter by chapter. :)
Also - make no mistakes. I encourage you to continue, learn and just have fun. I realize not everyone can make a ton of art and perhaps your interests are in other areas.