This is it, My 1st actual game on stencyl. My 1st game was just a test to see how to publish a game and now I have my 1st real game. It is still a HUGE work in progres (for example there are supost to be 10 levels plaus A boss battle) but I wont to see how you like it befor I go finishing it.
Up Arrow: Up
Down Arrow: Down
Left Arrow: Left
Right Arrow: Right
R: Reset
Shift: Speed Boost
For the rest of the keys klick on the little gray butten on the tittle screan.
That will take you to a Help/About screan where you can learn the controles and find out aboutn the game. Plz report aney and all bugs.
I give full thanks to Abigale for the awsome totoreals she made. Art is my own design and is copyright of Budy8760 Gaming.
Version 0.2 Beta Coming Soon
Plz leave A constructive coment on my game. Ane bugs you incounter plz let me know here.