***UPDATE: v0.11 Changing the card artwork to display elemental modifiers
***v0.10 Changed the combat system to add in combat rating calculations
***v0.09 Added in the first Monsters, revamp of combat system
***v.0.08 5 decks, navigation screen, combat system, default heroes/cards
*** v0.07 You can now select your location.
***v0.06 You can now choose your starting deck up to 20 cards.
***v0.05 Location bonus and elemental modifiers are complete.
This version is the one currently being developed. The version submitted to indiecade is at: 403/
To start, select the four non-grayed heroes using the + signs. Click "Play" through each of the next screens.
After the cards have been dealt, the round starts.
1. Click an attack card (bottom right)
2. Click a hero to perform the attack (center)
3. Click the enemy. An attack line will form showing you your selection.
4. You have three actions. Use as many of the three that you want. Click attack to start the round of attacks. Click cancel to reset and do your attacks over.
Try playing around with different combinations. The basic attack cards use the hero's highest stat. The elemental attack cards use whichever attribute is listed with a +3. The enemy's defense against that attack is listed as vs. When the attack round starts, the heroes and enemies attack in the order of their initiative rolls. Each attack (hero or enemy) adds +2d6 to the attributes. Anything over and above the defender's defense counts as damage. Try clicking different attack cards and heroes to see which combination gives you the best chances.