Version 0.1.0 of my LD entry - House
SPACEBAR-Equip shotgun/ Throw shotgun
Q- Mute Music/ Play your own
Previous changes from 0.0.1
-improved bullet hit detection
-improved bullet creation
-NEW shotgun weapon and animation
-NEW enemy death animations
-improved fps
Known bugs/issue:
-[Game breaking] Lag spike/potential crash if the left side of the player hits a wall while pathfinding is initiated...I have no idea why this is happening but I'm working on it
-Shotgun clips through walls sometimes after thrown
-The shotgun is pretty much infinite. If you drop it you can pick it up again and wreck havoc for free
-Throwing shotgun and bullet creation is still slightly off
-Reloading issues on the second floor (forgot to set a game attribute)
-Pathfinding still needs work
Note: There are still notable bugs and lag spikes may occur but I will continue to update this game; however, the next update is most likely going to be a major one but I'm working on it!! :) Also, all animations, sounds, and tiles are strictly placeholders as I want the mechanics to function flawlessly before animating.
Update: 6/6/17: Game is still being worked on but is currently a side project as I'm working for something on mobile. Will continue to update when I can.