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Stencyl Video Poker

by Rob

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Stencyl Video Poker (SVP) is a simple draw poker game similar to one you play in a casino. We have the classic mode and a special thinker mode where you can selectively do redeal.

You start with 1000 stencyl coins. Classic mode cost you 10 coins per round. Thinker mode cost you 5 coins plus 2 coins for each redeal (so up to 5 + 2x5) = 15 coins per play.

Other features include different statistics (like your card, hand and personal stats) and also load saved game at start of game. You need to do save during the game if you want your score to be recorded.


Wow! So cool! You are cool yourself! You're my favourite stencyl user!
0 6 years, 6 months ago
This is a great game. I'm working on a poker game of my own, and I'd like to be able to download your game for StencylForge.
0 12 years, 4 months ago
Are you talking about the background music or all music and sound? Which particular part is lagging for you? Actually, it was on my to do list before I told myself enough is enough and I simply release the game. That last 10% of making a game always kills me. I don't know why.

On separate note, I am thinking of releasing this on Kong and need to do highscore. Any tips on that?

0 13 years, 3 months ago
Well done game - way to implement a whoel cardplaying logic structure! Needs mute button, though. Or maybe even no music. It's kind of laggy and I imagine that's because of some big MP3 file weighing it down? Otherwise really great.
0 13 years, 3 months ago

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