A rogue-like concept with many interesting features, such as:
-Line of Sight
-Full-screen bloom
I may return to this project, but I'm currently working on a similar game where you control a party rather than one character.
Most art by Oryx (
Controls: Arrow keys, G to get item, Space to skip turn. C, I, A, O to open/close tabs.
OMG, i heard u abandoned this? Can i have the Files? i would love to expand this Game! Msg me!
OMG, i heard u abandoned this? Can i have the Files? i would love to expand this Game! Msg me!
For this is an epic dungeon crawler.
I love the depth of the game and your passion for detail.
coleshouldntbesolazy... finish this game, please :)
For this is an epic dungeon crawler.
I love the depth of the game and your passion for detail.
coleshouldntbesolazy... finish this game, please :)
phenomenal job... what i ESPECIALLY love is what you guys done with the glow... it takes pixel art to a whole new level of sophistication, while still maintaining the older style art.. if that makes sense..
i look forward to seeing this :)
phenomenal job... what i ESPECIALLY love is what you guys done with the glow... it takes pixel art to a whole new level of sophistication, while still maintaining the older style art.. if that makes sense..
i look forward to seeing this :)