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Tiny Guns Classic

by AdventureIslands

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Update 1.2! There is now 4th stage with no pits, adjusted Sniper Rifle firing speed, throwing weapons won't disappear when outside top of the screen and added medikits that heal 50% HP!

Update 1.1! Added weapons Sniper Rifle and Mines, and a 3rd battle arena! Read new weapon descriptions from below.

Simple two player arena shooter where your objective is to destroy your enemy! Collect falling equipment boxes to arm yourself with 8 different weapons to take down your nemesis! Couple of more different arenas coming soon!

Red player controls:

Blue player controls:


Pistol: Your default gun that never runs out of ammo, but doesn't shoot very fast and isn't very damaging, when your other weapons run out or break you revert back to using pistol.

Uzi: Rapid firing weapon that shoots in bursts. Single bullet doesn't do much damage, but it's good for spraying around and it has fierce knockback.

Shotgun: Slowly firing weapon with wide spreading shots, but absolutely devastating when shot up close.

Flamer: Very powerful and can shoot through falls, but be careful when moving and shooting so you don't burn yourself. Fire also destroys incoming bullets.

Sword: Most deadly weapon but also has shortest range. Can be swing 10 times before breaking and slashes can block bullets.

Bazooka: Fires very strong rockets but has very bad accuracy. Get up close and don't get caught in your own explosion.

Grenade: Throws a highly damaging explosive through the air in arc.

Molotov: Thrown in arc like grenades, but on hit will set the surroundings on fire. the more fires hit your enemy the more damage it deals.

Mines: Similiar to grenade, but instead of exploding on collision, it will stick to walls and explode when either player touches it or 10 seconds pass.

Sniper Rifle: Shoots very fast, very powerful bullets that go through walls, but it has longer reload time than any other weapon.


good game please make a second tiny guns like this one but wiht more challenging arenas and new weapons
-1 11 years, 4 months ago
Best game ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 11 years, 6 months ago
Unknown User
give it missile
0 11 years, 9 months ago
GREAT!!! This is even better than making monkeys.
0 12 years, 1 month ago
I want to make game like this

0 12 years, 2 months ago
u should add single player
1 12 years, 2 months ago
When i played it, the lives for the red player had decimal numbers, and after they were gone the number went into the negatives and the game continued on.
0 12 years, 2 months ago
fred27 7
awesome game dude
0 12 years, 5 months ago
Can you make a character selection?
1 12 years, 5 months ago
Great new version!
0 12 years, 6 months ago

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