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Tiny Evolution Adventure

by AdventureIslands

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Ludum Dare Page: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludu m-dare-24/?action=rate&uid=1139 1

Please note that this is the original 48 hour compo entry, so if you are doing Ludum ratings rate this version. Improved post-compo versions with better controls and bigger biting are are playable at:

Kongregate: http://www.kongregate.com/games/Adv entureIslands/tiny-evolution-advent ure
Newgrounds: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/vi ew/601798

Here's my entry for Ludum Dare 24! The theme this time was Evolution.

Set on a evolutionary adventure where you must devour the weak and survive against
the strong so you may evolve and reach the top of the food chain!

In this game, you must travel the stages and eat creatures that are smaller than you. After you have eaten
enough, you are ready to evolve and you need to find the stage exit to proceed to the next level.

Use arrow keys to move and jump/swim
Use Space to bite.
Use P to pause
- and + to adjust volume
0 to mute/unmute
Esc to return to main menu


Great game, I had a lot of fun playing it. Especially on stage three when I got to eat the spiders that caused me so much grief in stage two. That's a really cool theme, getting to eat things that were a threat in the previous stage. I'd be cool to see you build on it if you do another game like this. My only complaint would be that there were a couple of times in the second level where I mistook a decorative leaf for a platform and fell to my death, couldn't hurt to make the solid platform leaves a unique shade of green and darker or lighter than the others, so they're easier to identify.
1 12 years, 5 months ago
if you make the 2nd game of this, you can add more stages, and every 15th, 10th level you can evolove...
1 12 years, 5 months ago
Nope, the compo is finished and I don't work on the game anymore. But perhaps a more refined sequel in the future.
1 12 years, 5 months ago
Very good game! Could you add more stages?
1 12 years, 5 months ago

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