maze your way through 5 challangeing levels. aviod bombs and lasers while you push the block to the correct platform. go through portals to get to the rooms with the platforms in it. if lasers or bombs hit the box or you then you lose. all the levels are possible, i made sure they were.Press space to reload, incase you fail and get your box stuck. this game is kinda a puzzle / maze game that will keep you mind racing the whole time.
if you want more levels write a reveiw telling me you want them.
Tanner Daniels (age 13)
WarZone Gamez
special thanks to Jesus Christ for coming to the world to love and save us,Chris Burdett for giving me the idea, Stencyl for making it easy to make games, my parents for loving and encouraging me, and to all my friends and fans.
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Could you by any chance add a tutorial? (I already beat it twice but it would be cool if you could add a tutorial. Just saying.)