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Boss 101 - Demo 1

by DarkTimmy

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This is a 6 level demo of my game Boss 101. You can see the basic gameplay and concepts. Check it out and see what you think.

Controls: These are the controls as they stand at the moment.

Arrow Keys/ W,A,S,D - Move
Space Bar/Enter Key - Fire Gun (in game) and also advance dialog in cutscene
Mouse - Menu clicking and selection

As always feedback welcome here or in the forum. Also - if you want to check out more you can go here:

Main Site: www.boss101.com
Tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/blog/boss101g ame


lava flame2: Glad you got it to work!
0 11 years, 5 months ago
lava flame2
Wait, now it works.... never mind :O
1 11 years, 5 months ago
lava flame2
Lol.. why can't I move diagonally northwest? (up and left)
1 11 years, 5 months ago
colburt187 - thanks for the feedback and for playing! I'm doing a huge sound pass on the game at the moment so a lot of the stuff you notice is getting adjusted (at least in the sound department). The pistol actually hits pretty hard. It also gives you a lot of cash per hit. All of the powerup guns are better than your default gun in one way or more (more money/damage/ or firing rate)
0 11 years, 5 months ago
I won the demo, yeah!
cant wait for the launch of this, at one stage my after a weapon pick up my gun changed to a pistol? was it a downgrade? felt like a pea shooter compared to the Rocket launcher.

I love the retro sounds in the game, however..... the massive boss gun that sits on top of the body and fires the blue projectiles, it makes a very weak sound? I feel it deserves more of a bang for its size?

anyway awesome game, the dialog is great, i hope everyone takes the time to read it.

0 11 years, 5 months ago
Abliblablobla - HA!! Thank you! If you get a chance, check out the latest trailer. The game is all done and I'm hoping to release it soon. Trailer is here: http://youtu.be/U-w3ff6XpRc
0 11 years, 5 months ago
Nice game! It is funny and simple at the same time: I loved the "knock knock series"!
1 11 years, 5 months ago
Electramorhipism - thank you so much! I'm really working to make is special!

Warzone Gamez - HA! I know! I'm tuning it to be fun for all. I know I get biased playing it day after day. There will be all sorts of cool upgrades to buy too!

mazeon - OH MY GOSH! I know, I know - I'm doing a giant sound pass. I swear, when you look at something so long and constantly say to yourself "ok, fix this now and that later". Well the sound is getting an overhaul at the moment!

0 11 years, 6 months ago
I love the vibrant colors and pixel art overall, but I would reconsider the sound effects (Maybe they are placeholders ... if so, forget this note!;)). However, fun to play!
1 11 years, 6 months ago
Warzone Gamez
crazy awesome, funney, and cool, its the perfect combination! its a little hard though.
1 11 years, 6 months ago

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