Description: Paperboy is back to compete against the 2nd god Paper-Dosojin. Survive the wrath of the god of the earth and fire in this runner based game, as the second great challange to become a Papergod. Also face the god of the first challenge.
Run and jump to avoid falling rain, burning blocks, lava, lightning and hills and collect 4 powerups to survive as long as you can. As the game proceeds, the difficulty will be raised.
Use the arrow keys (left / right / up) and be the best runner.
Press the 1,2,3 and 4 buttons to activate an available power-up.
Here are some tipps:
- The lightning balls will paralyse you and slower your left / right movement.
- With higher difficulty, the attacks will be multiplied and stronger (lightning-ball will summon a flash when hits the terrain)
- You can use the boulder at the left as a shield sometimes when jumping and pressing right to avoid incoming hills.
Have fun!
Edit: New update with the remaining power-ups. The next one will have a better explained help.
@alakin15: I have to work harder then next time :P. It was made withhin a month. The sequels will be more interesting though.
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