Crash Course 2: Invaders - Part 13
by Hectate (Updated on 2015-05-02)
Part 13: Creating a Font
Step 94: Before we can show any text on screen when the player wins the game, we need to create a default Font to use. Click on the Dashboard, then on Fonts, and click the dotted line box to create a new font. Name it "Default Font". Change the settings to those shown in the following image (size 32, white for the color, Sans Serif for the font, a style of Normal, Yes for Smoothing) and save your work. Note that the Color selector is under the Color options, of course.
Now we need to create an Event that will check how many Enemy Ships are left on screen, and if none are left, it will display a "victory" message using the font we just created.
Where it tells you to put five, put as many ships you have put in the "scene".
Although there should be a way where the game checks if any enemies are left in the screen, as well to take an account of enemies being created during the game.
I was wondering the same thing, way2insane. After a little fiddling around I came up with a process to have Stencyl count the number of enemies rather than inputting the number manually. I have outlined the changes you will need to make under part 14. Hope that it is helpful!
It doesn't work if you have more than five ships...how would you implement a counter that keeps track of the actual ships left